Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A Little Bit About Us

We decide the easiest way to keep this short and sweet would be to do a questions and answer session, so ... here we go:

Favorite Color:
N - Yellow and on occasion Pink
D - Green

Favorite Movie:
N - Pride & Prejudice
D - "I don't have one" -

Favorite Childhood Memory:
N - When I lived in Puerto Rico, on a regular day basis, or week basis, I would sit at the bottom of the stairs with my abuela as she would peel fruit and we would eat it together. (:
D - When I would eat everyones left over ice cream .... and then throw up. <--- Such a charmer i know.

Favorite Date:
N - Any that didnt involve mini golfing or bowling >_<
D - When we went out to eat with your parents and my father-in-law ate off my plate in the Cuban Restaurant.

Funniest Moment since we've been married:
N - When you picked me up and we heard this ripping noise - come to find out your underwear had split. HAHAHAHAH
D - When I was showering, and you were flicking the lights on and off, hiding around the corner to scare me, and I stuck my head out the shower curtain, and when you looked at me you screamed and jumped higher than I've ever seen you jump.

Favorite Dinner:
N - Rice, Kidney Beans, a huge pork roast and guineitos. Along with cream cheese flan for dessert.
D - Tostones with chicken, peppers, mushrooms, and cheese. <----- He's been converted!! (:

Thinking of categories ...... N - favorite sport .... D - no because yours would be shopping O_0 <----- He knows me well (;

Favorite Dessert:
N - Hmm, flan, chocolate island, key lime pie, the list goes on (:
D - Cinnabon Cinnamon Roll

Worst Foods Ever:
N - Squid, Octopus (which I haven't eaten but was rudely tricked into almost eating), lemonaise - a "healthier" version of mayo
D - Asparagus, sour milk (that you tried to feed me like three times) <------- apparently milk from I hate to say it ....... Wal-Mart expires the same day you buy it .

Worst Animals Ever:
N - Cats, frogs, lizards, spiders, roaches, ants, snakes, alligators, crocodiles, shark, iguanas, dinosaurs the list goes on (:
D - Cats.

Worst Fear:
N - Lizards and frogs.
D - Heights.

Worst word anyone can say to you:
N - 'Chill'
D - 'Low Key' <----- today its one word.

As we begin to write on a regular day basis I am sure more of our 'little' favorites and 'worsts' will become more and more apparent. But for now that's all we could think of.